Saturday, December 19, 2015

Book Review #6 "The Girl From the Train" by Irma Joubert

Professional Reader

Hi Everyone,
     I will be discussing the book "The Girl From the Train" by Irma Joubert. First and most important I want to thank NetgalleyThomas Nelson (the publisher), and Irma Joubert (the author) for giving me the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review. I chose this book to read because of the specific time frame it took place during World War II. I have always been interested in books about this war. The plot of this book reminded me that the times of World War II seems eerily similar to what is going on today regarding the Muslim religion.
     This book is about a six year old girl Gretl in World War II who escaped from a train that was bombed by Jakob a polish man. Jakob then takes responsibility for Gretl. In Poland she survives by hiding her German and Jewish roots by becoming a Polish Catholic. Eventually hard decisions must be made and she ends up in South Africa where again she must survive by hiding her Polish, Jewish, and Catholic identities. This book ultimately is about the bond that forms between Gretl and Jakob and how their lives are intertwined. This book is about survival, about the clashes between different cultures and religions. And how people learn to accept each others different beliefs and culture. This book is also about how traumatic events in the past can affect you in your present life. This book was about Gretl who is known by many names. It told the story of how she grew up and found herself, a bit of a coming of age novel. In reading this book it was very evident of the author's love for her homeland, South Africa. The author Irma Joubert is a South African writer who specializes in historical fiction. And this book was a very enriching story.
     Overall, I would rate this book 4 stars out of 5. This book was bittersweet. What I enjoyed most was the joyful, peaceful, and hopeful feelings it created within me. This book was even more surprising because I wasn't expecting to feel these positive feelings, being that most books and stories I have read about World War II are horrifying. Don't get me wrong this book had some horrifying moments. This was a true love story about the different kinds of love. That love can survive anything. I really enjoyed the main character Gretl, her childish innocence, her wonder and awe. I enjoyed seeing her grow older, more mature and wise for her years.
     One thing that I felt could have been improved upon in this book was that some sections, especially at the end were rushed, and should have been expanded upon. This book was beautifully written, I could feel the author's words. I felt how the author poured her emotions, poured her soul into the written words in this book. This book allowed your imagination to expand. and grow. You can see the story being played out in your head while reading the book. I had a very pleasant experience reading this book. I too felt the butterflies in my stomach hopefully you will to. If you want to join in on this ride than click HERE to purchase a copy of this book.

Until the next page,

P.S. I want to with everyone a very happy holiday. This may be my last post before the holidays. It is going to be a busy week. Not only preparing for the holidays but I am moving three days after Christmas, so will be busy packing also. Due to this it may be a couple of weeks until I am able to post again.

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